Sunday, 27 August 2017

English Competence and Confidence

The Online English 24 design its training to provide you with the necessary communication skills to succeed. The courses are measurable, practical, and personalized to the identifiable learning goals expressed in the pre-course questionnaire. Through measuring the development of your confidence and proficiency OE24 can establish a clear return on investment relating to your training with Online English 24

 OE24 provides innovative, high-level Specialized courses to empower professionals to communicate successfully on their particular global market. The studies defined below are but a mention of a few of the highly developed courses available from Online English 24.


 Marketing and sales do not stop at any borders or any language barrier. Online English 24 Marketing Course is an English business program that is entirely trimmed to efficiency, helping you to make sales, achieve an international market position, and complete promotion and marketing events with great success.

 Automotive Industry

Germany and the cars have a long history. At the end of the nineteenth century, Carl Benz invented the first automobile. Today, Germany is one of the world's fourth-largest automotive producers, just behind Japan, the USA, and China.

 International vehicle companies have opened their doors in all the countries in the last decades. It is not a simple matter and sometimes presents a compelling challenge when off-shoring companies want to make favorable deals across borders and in different languages.

 Equipping yourself with the necessary language skills developed through this course will set you apart from others in the same industry.


 This course, offered by OE24, aims at designers, developers, and administrators who work or study in the IT field or are preparing to do that. This course allows you to expand your general English skills so that a new, specific application vocabulary is required to be able to exist in the IT world at all.


 A company cannot expect to be financially successful without a deeper understanding of sound financial practices and the common language used in this field. This course design caters for those who want to strengthen their finance lingual to achieve specific goals.


 Manufacturing also always means the use of machines, tools, and laboratories to produce consumer goods for sale. Improve your vocabulary in the field of production and build confidence in the application of these terms.

 This specifically designed course would like to illuminate the formation methods as well as the improvements in production and the extent to which they meet all production areas and whether they also offer the participants a Larger framework in the use of professional English for your activity.


 OE24 International Lawyers Courses represent an exceptional language training for employees in law, that is, for clients who act as attorneys or their assistants, employees of the jurisdictions, as well as for students of law at the universities. The purpose of a workshop for legal professionals is to build and form a foundation of terms, including a measure of specific legal terminology, which enables you every day to do so; to the same degree, confidentially and precise work reliability even in the exact technical English language.

English Exam Preparation

The English Exam Preparation Courses we offer are carefully designed to help you achieve the best results possible in the English exam of your choice.

The OE24 qualified English tutors are trained according to each course and can give you much experience with each different component. Course contents include modules such as speaking, listening, writing, grammar, as well as English vocabulary. Preparing for the Cambridge examinations orderly provides you with the right attitude and development of your skills.

Preparations for these international tests are not primarily concerned with learning; it is more about promoting the self-confidence of using English in the real world.

Cambridge English qualification provides you with latest English communication skills, improves your travel, study, and work opportunities.

Online English 24 offers you access to all the levels of English on the online training program, which design is in alignment with the Common European Framework of Reference – CEFR. The levels range from A1 – C2. After the passing a level you will receive a certificate as confirmation of your proficiency level.

 Therefore, it is easy to provide proof your English fluency to employees and Universities worldwide when applying for an opportunity. Do not hesitate to explore the opportunity today to improve your confidence when engaging in the English lingo to the next level. The OE24 platform provides you the ability to enhance your English experience at your comfort and time. Grasp the moment, and have fun while doing it.

For more Information : vorstellungsgespräch englisch
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Sunday, 20 August 2017

We bring language to live!

Learning English as a further language can be trying and difficult. Have you ever done a Google search to determine which trainer or company provide the service you require? Attempting to locate a suitable English tutor online it is hard.

Before commencing with your search, it is crucial to establish the criteria to determine if the English training provider is your perfect match. Through an intensive discussion with some of the learners is was possible confirm what they considered most important when deciding to make use of the Online English 24 services.

• A free need analysis and training recommendation

• Face to face Online Training

• Live training on Virtual Classrooms

• Professional, Mother tongue, and Experience Trainers

• Recorded Sessions

• 24/7 access to recorded video training and Learning material

• Private or Group Trainings

• Customized programs for your Departments & Industries

• Affordable prices

• CEFR certification

• Assistance for International test preparation

Most commonly, but not limited to individuals in search of further training in the English language are those seeking better opportunities. Whether it is for working or studying abroad or find employment in local international companies, the largest spectrum of people looking for the advancement in proficiency English consist of the suit and tie generation – business people from all backgrounds and industries.

We can classify these individuals fundamentally in three separate groups as follow:

1. Little pre-knowledge to beginner level, which has a general and basic English knowledge and skills.

2. Beginner to intermediate level, which has a broader English knowledge and skill

3. Advanced intermediate to the higher level, which includes the individuals who can use English more efficiently but want to broaden their knowledge and expertise.

Training provided by Online English 24 create building block from the one level to the next and through a thorough need analysis was done by the expert trainers they determine the exact need of each learner before commencing with any language training sessions.

Individuals falling into the first category has limited experience in the English language, therefore, the training focus on the foundations such as sayings, basic grammar, development of vocabulary, basic sentence structure, reading, pronunciation, and action related communication. To simplify the process translation plays a significant role in this part of the training process.

Once the learner is comfortable with the basics of the language the focus shifts to speeches and regional expressions, grammar, text corrections, and advanced spelling. Vocabulary extension, advance reading comprehension, listening skills and oral communication are in the limelight, as well as the introduction to formal and informal English and the understanding and issuing of instructions.

In the final steps of the English learning journey focus shift to even more serious issues of the language. Writing essays, editing and punctuation, emphasis, and pronunciation. Discussion topics relate to business, finance, marketing, and superior listening and reading skills are developed with the extension of vocabulary and finding your mistakes.

As most people disclosing the urge to improve their English ability the business English courses concentrate on developing the necessary business skills such as negotiating styles, shopping, and prices, the definition of objectives, listening skills, development of a strategy, persuasiveness, first contact and body language. However, this is not the limitations as other categories emphasized include custom team negotiations, enforceability and the “never,” application and countering of tricks, communication skills, cultural mindfulness, the art of socializing and small talk, time management, and public speeches, presentations, and lectures.

Training groups for companies are available to those who want to gain the edge over their competitors by empowering their staff with an international communication skill and effectiveness.

Learning the language in the reading, listening, and writing components do not offer such a huge challenge as the speaking portion of the colorful English language. Through an initial evaluation process of voice recording from a set of paragraphs and sentences, the Online English 24 trainers can evaluate the impact of your mother tongue influence on you vocal English ability. MTI – Mother Tongue Influence – reduction is possible through input and practical exercise after the initial evaluation.

Furthermore, Online English 24 trainers will assist you with the key to consonant stressing, emphasizing the English vowels in the vocal sounds in words, sentences, and passages. Practical exercises relating to the loudness and clarity of the last consonant and necessary breaks in sentences will boost your confidence.

The correct pronunciation in English is crucial hence the development of practical exercises to train your voice the right way to stretch and diffract a word, sentence, and nouns or verb pairs to transmit the desired meaning. The inclination of variants of different phrases through practice will teach you the correct intonation and voice modulation exercises will pull you through to sound like a native.

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Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Secrets to how We bring language to live!

Learning English as a further language can be trying and difficult. Have you ever done a Google search to determine which trainer or company provide the service you require? Attempting to locate a suitable English tutor online it is hard.  
Before commencing with your search, it is crucial to establish the criteria to determine if the English training provider is your perfect match.  Through an intensive discussion with some of the learners is was possible confirm what they considered most important when deciding to make use of the Online English 24 services.

    A free need analysis and training recommendation
    Face to face Online Training
    Live training on Virtual Classrooms
    Professional, Mother tongue, and Experience Trainers
    Recorded Sessions
   24/7 access to recorded video training and Learning material
    Private or Group Trainings
    Customized programs for your Departments & Industries
    Affordable prices
    CEFR certification
    Assistance for International test preparation

Most commonly, but not limited to individuals in search of further training in the English language are those seeking better opportunities. Whether it is for working or studying abroad or find employment in local international companies, the largest spectrum of people looking for the advancement in proficiency English consist of the suit and tie generation – business people from all backgrounds and industries.

We can classify these individuals fundamentally in three separate groups as follow:
1.    Little pre-knowledge to beginner level, which has a general and basic English knowledge and skills.
2.    Beginner to intermediate level, which has a broader English knowledge and skill
3.    Advanced intermediate to the higher level, which includes the individuals who can use English more efficiently but want to broaden their knowledge and expertise.

Training provided by Online English 24 create building block from the one level to the next and through a thorough need analysis was done by the expert trainers they determine the exact need of each learner before commencing with any language training sessions.

Individuals falling into the first category has limited experience in the English language, therefore, the training focus on the foundations such as sayings, basic grammar, development of vocabulary, basic sentence structure, reading, pronunciation, and action related communication. To simplify the process translation plays a significant role in this part of the training process.

Once the learner is comfortable with the basics of the language the focus shifts to speeches and regional expressions, grammar, text corrections, and advanced spelling. Vocabulary extension, advance reading comprehension, listening skills and oral communication are in the limelight, as well as the introduction to formal and informal English and the understanding and issuing of instructions.

In the final steps of the English learning journey focus shift to even more serious issues of the language. Writing essays, editing and punctuation, emphasis, and pronunciation.  Discussion topics relate to business, finance, marketing, and superior listening and reading skills are developed with the extension of vocabulary and finding your mistakes.

As most people disclosing the urge to improve their English ability the business English courses concentrate on developing the necessary business skills such as negotiating styles, shopping, and prices, the definition of objectives, listening skills, development of a strategy, persuasiveness, first contact and body language. However, this is not the limitations as other categories emphasized include custom team negotiations, enforceability and the "never," application and countering of tricks, communication skills, cultural mindfulness, the art of socializing and small talk, time management, and public speeches, presentations, and lectures.

Training groups for companies are available to those who want to gain the edge over their competitors by empowering their staff with an international communication skill and effectiveness.

Learning the language in the reading, listening, and writing components do not offer such a huge challenge as the speaking portion of the colorful English language. Through an initial evaluation process of voice recording from a set of paragraphs and sentences, the Online English 24 trainers can evaluate the impact of your mother tongue influence on you vocal English ability. MTI – Mother Tongue Influence – reduction is possible through input and practical exercise after the initial evaluation.

Furthermore, Online English 24 trainers will assist you with the key to consonant stressing, emphasizing the English vowels in the vocal sounds in words, sentences, and passages.  Practical exercises relating to the loudness and clarity of the last consonant and necessary breaks in sentences will boost your confidence.

The correct pronunciation in English is crucial hence the development of practical exercises to train your voice the right way to stretch and diffract a word, sentence, and nouns or verb pairs to transmit the desired meaning. The inclination of variants of different phrases through practice will teach you the correct intonation and voice modulation exercises will pull you through to sound like a native.

To Know More about  Business english skype Please Visit

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Smoking Gun : englisch ohne akzent lernen

Erkennt ein Elefant sein eigenes Spiegelbild? Ein Versuch zeigt, wie ein Elefant vor einem großen Spiegel steht. Der Versuchsleiter hat dem Elefanten auf die Stirn mit einem Klebeband eine Banane angebracht. Erst schlägt der Elefant mit dem Rüssel Richtung Spiegelbild, dann hält er inne und angelt sich mit dem Rüssel die Banane. Uns sagt das, der Elefant verfügt über ein Bewusstsein, ähnlich dem Menschen.

In Folge dieses Bewusstseins ist der Elefant auch gelegentlich auch im Porzellanladen anzutreffen, wenn nur in unserer Phantasie, denn zumindest dort ist das ein starkes Kopfkino, präsentiert eine Person, die sich in ihrer sich ihr anvertrauten, dennoch fremden Umgebung so ungeschickt verhält, so dass ein enormes Chaos entsteht. Auf Englisch tobt kein Elefant im Porzellanladen, sondern ein Bulle im China-Shop. Wir loben in solchen Fällen unsere Versicherungsenglischkurse.

Solche Redewendungen, die in Deutschland Sprichworte genannt werden, heißen auf Englisch Proverbs. Der Philosophie als starkes Stück Wissenschaftsdisziplin, die sich dabei nicht gleich anmerken lässt, welche Abstraktion sie nährt sei Dank, weil die Philosophie zur sinngemäßen Völkerverständigung beiträgt. Wer einem bestimmten Verhalten nichts abgewinnt, der kann mit dem Sprichwort trotzdem etwas anfangen und kann auch ohne soziale Netzwerke der modernen Digitalgesellschaften erkennen, was bereits Epiktet in der Antike erkannte und zwar, dass es nicht die Taten sind, die den Menschen erschüttern, sondern die Worte, respektive Bilder, die von diesen Taten kündigen.

Von Taten kündet auch Südkorea der Gegenwart, das Land mit dem schnellsten Internet der ganzen Welt. Dass durch Taten, wie bedeutend oder absurd sie auch sind, das kleine Land auf der geteilten Halbinsel auch Trends setzt, beweist der Trend zum Mukbang. Unseren Koreanisch-Kenntnissen zu folge ist das eine Wortschöpfung aus „muokda" für Essen und „bang song" für senden. Sie essen für ihre Fans live vor laufenden Kameras. Sie senden im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes kulinarische Grüße an ihre Fans. Jetzt bloß nicht unbedingt Mukbang nachmachen, liebe Kinder, sonst plagt uns noch ein schlechtes Gewissen. Wir wollen nicht zum Nachahmen anstiften. Und wer sich doch unbedingt berühmt machen möchte, weil unser Threat oder AfreecaTV tatsächlich dazu anstiftet, dem möchten wir wenigstens einen gutgemeinten Buchtipp mit auf den Weg geben: „Darm mit Charme" von Giulia Enders, stimmt zum Thema Völlerei vielleicht nachdenklich und hält doch davon ab, des schnellen Ruhmes wegen, die eigene Gesundheit zu ruinieren. Entsprechend unseres Lehrauftrags erinnern wir an Begriffe mit zentraler Botschaft, wie Erziehung, die Entwicklung und die Dressur. Diese drei Begriffe pflegen eine einzige philosophische Beziehung miteinander einzugehen, was bei Tieren die Dressur, bei Kindern, die Erziehung und bei Ländern die Entwicklung ist. Unser Auftrag hat mit Dressur nichts zu schaffen, dennoch mit Entwicklung und Erziehung. Wir verstehen unter Entwicklung die Sprachvermittlung an Erwachsene, die in ihrer Erziehungsphase aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen weniger die Chance hatten, eine andere als die Muttersprache intensiv zu lernen. E-Learning ist dabei eine echte Chance, wo wir eine Vorreiterrolle besonders im Bereich Businessenglisch einnehmen.

Lebenslanges Lernen wird gesellschaftlich eingefordert. Und wo ein Leben lang gelernt wird, da sollte es auch lebenslangen Unterricht geben. Auf Knopfdruck und neutral gegenüber unterschiedlichen Haltungen. Neutral bei der Wissensvermittlung darf allerdings nicht heißen dürfen, ohne Haltung zu sein. Beispielsweise erkennen wir die drohende Erderwärmung an. Wir befürchten einen Anstieg der Durchschnittstemperaturwerte auf der Erde zwischen 1,4 - 5,3 Grad Celsius, wenn nicht bald der CO2-Ausstoß weltweit zurückgefahren wird.

So what?

Ärmel hochkrempeln und alles nur Erdenkliche unternehmen, um Emissionen zu vermeiden? Das wäre schon mal ein Anfang. Wir bringen uns in unserem Bereich ein und sehen es als unsere Aufgabe, sprachliche Emissionen zu verhindern, welche negative Auswirkungen auf die Kommunikation und somit auf das Miteinander der Gesellschaft hat. Dabei kann interkulturelle Kommunikation zu fördern durchaus hilfreich sein, um auch Emissionen einzusparen. Wir werden somit zu sprachlichen Emittenten des internationalen kommunikativen Emissionshandels.

Ist das Motiv in einem Fall gefunden, dann spricht man auch gern vom „rauchenden Colt", der „smoking gun" – entlehnt der Kriminalistik. In unseren Online Sprachkursen arbeiten wir mit Hinningsen-Methode also „Pauschales Dauerloben (als) eine Form der Vernachlässigung durch Verwöhnen" abzulehnen. Unser Unterrichtskonzept heißt daher „Wertschöpfung durch Wertschätzung". Die Faustregel hierfür: „Eine Kritik, fünf Mal loben". Unsere Sprachtrainer haben genau das nötige Fingerspitzengefühl in den Online Sprachkurs „Business und Technisches Englisch" beispielsweise. Überzeugen Sie sich noch heute auf von unserem Konzept!

Autor ist ein Experte Artikel Schriftsteller, der viele Artikel in Bezug auf bevorzugte einfach englisch online lernen Anbieter geschrieben hat. Derzeit schreibt er einen Artikel auf einfach englisch online lernen.